Card grid
This is a card grid page of links. Links are displayed as "cards", laid out in a grid format.
The card grid layout can be customized to include an icon, title, description, button, background colour, background image, background icon, centered text, and sliding animation. You can choose which pages you want to link to.
Each row can contain up to five cards, each will be evenly spaced across the page. On smaller screen sizes, the cards will automatically resize to fit in the available space.
View examples of available icons
Recommended combinations of card grid options
- Elements: icon, title, description, link
- Background styles: colour
- Content features: centered text
Become an Ontario Tech student
Find information on how to apply, important dates, academic requirements and more
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
Visit us
Book a personalized tour and get to know Ontario Tech firsthand!
- Elements: title, description, link, button
- Background styles: colour, icon
- Content features: none
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
Visit us
Book a personalized tour and get to know Ontario Tech firsthand!
- Elements: icon, title, description, link
- Background styles: none (default background colour is grey)
- Content features: sliding text
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
Visit us
Book a personalized tour and get to know Ontario Tech firsthand!
- Elements: icon, title, description, link, button
- Background styles: colour, background image
- Content features: centered text, vertically centered text
Become an Ontario Tech student
Find information on how to apply, important dates, academic requirements and more.
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
- Elements: title, description, link
- Background styles: small image
- Content features: none
Become an Ontario Tech student
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
Visit us
Book a personalized tour and get to know Ontario Tech firsthand!
- Elements: title, description, link
- Background styles: full image, colour
- Content features: centered text

Become an Ontario Tech student
Find information on how to apply, important dates, academic requirements and more.

Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
- Elements: title, description, link
- Background styles: image
- Content features: none
Become an Ontario Tech student
Find information on how to apply, important dates, academic requirements and more.
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
- Elements: icon, title, description, link (with modal window), button
- Background styles: colour
- Content features: none
Virtual tour
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
(Modal window)
Explore Ontario Tech's two campus locations from home with our virtual tour!
The following faculties are located at the north Oshawa campus location:
- Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Science
The north Oshawa campus location is also where you'll find our Residence, Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre, Campus Ice Centre and Campus Field House.
The following faculties are located at the downtown Oshawa campus location:
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Visit us
Book a personalized tour and get to know Ontario Tech firsthand!
(Large modal window)
The best way to get to know Ontario Tech University firsthand is to book a personalized campus tour. Please give us two working days' notice to prepare for your tour.
During your tour, a student tour guide will take you around our beautiful campus so you can see the buildings, classrooms, student residences and many student services. Your tour guide will answer all your questions about programs, facilities and what it’s like to be a student at Ontario Tech.