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Brand Central

We have a great story. How do we share it?

The Ontario Tech University brand communicates our values, priorities and strengths, and defines what sets us apart from other universities. The more we communicate Ontario Tech's identity and strategic priorities in a clear and consistent way, the more people will understand our value proposition want to study and partner with us.

A strong brand and compelling story is crucial to maximizing the university's recruitment efforts, donations, research grants, partnerships and more.

Check out our new 20th anniversary toolkit for guidelines, tools and resources you can apply and incorporate into your events and initiatives to showcase the university’s past, present and future, and celebrate with students, faculty, staff, alumni, partners, donors, the community and beyond.

Brand resources, tools and guidelines

Brand resources, tools and guidelines

Key messages

Key messages

Brandfolder<br/>media database

media database

20th anniversary toolkit

20th anniversary toolkit