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Photography and video

Photos and videos are powerful tools you can use to educate, inspire and motivate people to action. Use the following tips and tools to create compelling visual content that engages the university's diverse audiences and communicates our key messages and priorities:


Professional-looking photos build brand trust and reinforce reputation. The great news is that you don't need a professional photographer or fancy equipment for every single photo shoot. Most smartphones will take high-quality photos that will work well for social media posts, university news stories or websites.


  • Follow the video guidelines on Brand Central to ensure your videos reinforce the university's brand and include all required elements. 
  • When shooting video, it's always wise to capture supplemental 'b-roll' footage. This extra footage can be spliced together with your main footage to support your story or further illustrate a point. B-roll that features the university brand can also be shared with media outlets when they need footage for a news story about the university. Read these tips on how to capture great b-roll


For more information, see our full collection of photo and video guidelines.