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Create and edit forms

Create forms

If you have a Machform account, please contact us to request a new, blank form. Include your account name (email address used to log in) and what you are using the form for in your request. When the blank form has been created, you can follow the instructions below to edit the form.

If you do not have a Machform account and would like a new standard form, please submit a request via the Project Initiation form.

Edit forms

  • Add or edit form fields
    1. Select the form you want to edit in the Form Manager page. 
    2. Select the Edit tab.
    3. The form preview will appear on the left side and menu of options will appear on the right side. Select the Add a Field tab in the menu options panel. 
    4. Select the type of form field to add it to the form—you can drag and drop to the form preview area, or click the field and it will appear after any existing form fields.
    5. To edit the form field, select the field in the form preview area. The menu options panel will switch to the Field Properties tab, where you can set various options for the individual field, including the field label, whether the field should be required, or any guidelines for filling out the field. 
    6. When you are done adding and editing form fields, Save your form changes.
  • Enable automatic form scheduling or limit submissions

    Automatic scheduling is used to automatically enable or disable the form on a specific date and time. Limit submissions is used to automatically disable the form when a certain number of form submissions have been received.

    1. Select the form you want to edit in the Form Manager page. 
    2. Select the Edit tab.
    3. The form preview will appear on the left side and menu of options will appear on the right side. Select the Form Properties tab in the menu options panel.
    4. Select Show more options.

    Automatic scheduling

    1. Under the Automatic Scheduling section, check the Enable Automatic Scheduling option.
    2. Select the start and/or end dates to automatically enable and/or disable the form.
    3. Save your changes.

    Limit submissions

    1. Under the Protection and Limit section, check the Limit Submission option.
    2. Enter the maximum number of entries that can be submitted before the form is automatically disabled.
    3. Save your changes.
  • Show or hide the form title and description

    When embedding a form on a CMS web page, it is usually preferable to hide the university logo and form title on the form (the university logo and page title already appears on the web page). 

    1. Select the form you want to edit in the Form Manager page. 
    2. Select the Edit tab.
    3. The form preview will appear on the left side and menu of options will appear on the right side. Select the Form Properties tab in the menu options panel.
    4. Check the Hide title and description from public view option to hide the form title and description. 
    5. Save your changes.
    6. Follow the instructions for embedding a form on a web page.