Below are answers to a number of questions we have received about the Ontario Tech University brand since we launched it in March 2019.
If you have a question that isn't answered below, email us.
Our brand explained
Why have we changed the university's brand name to Ontario Tech University?
Since its founding in 2002, the university has quickly established itself as one of Canada’s newest publicly funded research universities; it has enjoyed many successes and is well-positioned for the future. We have a great story to tell. Unfortunately, the university has struggled with developing a definitive identity. A unified brand platform strengthens our ability to significantly enhance our image and reputation going forward.
The Ontario Tech University brand is:
- Simple, unique and identifiable: stands out in a crowded academic landscape.
- Technology-focused: consistent with our mandate, communicates our positioning as an innovative and leading-edge technology-focused institution.
- Modern and relevant: approachable, untraditional and confident.
- Flexible: useable across multiple applications that range in scale and touchpoints.
Why invest in a new brand at a time when the university is exercising restraint in its expenses?
This change has taken time and investment. We have been fiscally responsible in every decision we have made and this has been a common thread in the implementation of the brand. We have been strategic in the changes we have made to minimize the impact to the campus community. We chose to implement the brand during a time when university communications were being updated as a normal course of business. In addition, this investment had not previously been made at any other time during the history of the university. Many of the signs that you see on campus were intended to be temporary and had already outlived their useful purpose at the time the Ontario Tech University brand was introduced. It was an appropriate time to make this right.
What are we trying to accomplish with the Ontario Tech University brand?
The Ontario Tech University brand creates a new and exciting platform on which we can share the story of the university, facilitate improved engagement with our various stakeholders, and bring us closer to the original mandate of the university.
Why should the brand matter to me?
Strong brands get noticed. Awareness and familiarity of the university remains lower than we’d like. This affects recruitment efforts, donations, research grants, partnerships and more. Together, with this new brand platform, we will build general awareness, support and excitement for the university.
Has the university changed its name?
We’re not changing the university’s formal name through this brand initiative; we’re changing the way we refer to the university so that it is clear and consistent. We’re adopting a similar approach to that of some other universities, such as Western (official name: University of Western Ontario) and Virginia Tech (official name: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). The official university name will remain University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Will the university’s name on degree parchments change?
No, the official name for the university is not changing. Our degrees will continue to be conferred by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
How we got here, and what’s next
How did we arrive at the Ontario Tech University brand?
September 2018 - New potential moniker introduced to campus community
October to November 2018 - Consultations and engagement with campus community
December 2018 - New brand design initiated
January to February 2019 - Brand Advisory Group reviews new brand options
Monday, February 25 through Friday, March 1, 2019 - Brand Preview Week
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - New brand announcement
Phased introduction April to August 2019 - Campus rollout and implementation (marketing, communications, branded items, brand opportunities)
August through Fall 2019 - New brand external launch (2019-2020 admissions cycle, all marketing communications, website) -
How was the feedback collected from all consultations, including the Preview Week, used to finalize the brand?
We benefited from more than 9,000 contacts across all stakeholder groups providing feedback and reactions throughout the process.
The feedback has helped us develop a short name, and refine the visual design that supports the Ontario Tech University brand.
Our new look
Who can answer questions about using the Ontario Tech University logo?
It is important to note that the new brand is much more than a new logo, and the visual elements to support our new identity are very different than our previous look. Our Communications and Marketing department can help you with usage of the new identity. If you have any questions, contact brand@ontariotechu.ca.
Where can I get the Ubuntu font?
Ubuntu is a free, open-source font that can be downloaded from the Ubuntu website .
There are many tutorials online on how you can install new fonts, including one at How-To Geek , which walks through installing a new font on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. -
Do I have to use the Ubuntu font on all written material, or can I use the default Arial or Times New Roman, etc.?
Ubuntu is a free, open-source font. We recommend using Ubuntu as much as possible within your communications documents. Our secondary font is ITC Franklin Gothic STD.
Arial can be used in documents from external sources or in PowerPoint presentations when a copy of our primary or secondary font isn’t available.
When I use the Ubuntu font in a document and share it externally, the font changes. What should I do?
If you are using the primary font (Ubuntu) or secondary font (Franklin) in Word or PowerPoint, be sure to save the document as a PDF before sending it externally; otherwise the receiver’s system may convert it to a default font.
If you would rather send your document in Word or PowerPoint presentation format, please use Arial or Calibri.
I work in a department that had its own logo; how will this be used with the Ontario Tech University identity?
Consistency is important for brand recognition. We’re following a ONEbrand strategy to ensure we take a unified approach to improving our brand presence. This means we’re not using or creating independent logos or signatures unique to divisions or initiatives.
Our Communications and Marketing department will help you position your department or program while working within the brand guidelines.
What are the university’s official colours?
The university’s three primary brand colours are dark blue, orange and light blue. The dark blue and orange is the most prominent and distinctive colour for identifying the university’s brand.
Do the former faculty colours fit within the Ontario Tech University identity system?
Consistency is important for brand recognition. We’re following a ONEbrand strategy to ensure we take a unified approach to improving our brand presence.
Former faculty colours (e.g. promotional giveaways, marketing and collateral materials, etc.) have been replaced with the new brand colours (see the Our Primary Colours section on page 7 of our Quick Reference Guide).
Can I still use the old University of Ontario Institute of Technology or UOIT logo?
We’ve retired all logos used prior to the Ontario Tech University logo. You may only use this identity moving forward.
Can I still use the university wordmark – University of Ontario Institute of Technology?
There is no plan to change the legal name of the university – University of Ontario Institute of Technology. However, in all our marketing and promotional materials, websites, and media relations materials, we will call ourselves Ontario Tech University.
How will the brand change affect the Coat of Arms?
The university’s Coat of Arms is not affected by the new brand. The university reserves the use of this emblem for commemorative and ceremonial purposes.
How has the Athletics brand changed?
The Athletics paw identity and dog identity have been updated as part of the Ontario Tech University brand. This update provides consistency and strengthens the university’s brand.
How has on-campus signage been updated?
Exterior signage has been updated to reflect the new logo, and some signs have been removed altogether.