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Content submission guidelines

We vet all content prior to publication on the digital signage network to ensure brand compliance and quality. This includes:

  • content
  • image editing
  • video

To submit digital signage content, fill out a Project Initiation form.

Acceptable content formats

Digital signage displays a variety of content. We've developed the following digital signage guidelines to encourage consistency in content, reduce editing time and ensure that information is submitted as close to broadcast-ready as possible. Each slide appears for 20 seconds at a time.

Text (announcements, events, etc.)

  • Use short, concise messaging.
  • Provide a short title, a maximum of two sentences and a short, memorable URL for more information.
  • Follow our branding and editorial guidelines and use either Ubuntu, ITC Franklin Gothic typeface, or Arial fonts.
  • Use a minimum font size of 90px for titles and 60px for body copy to ensure proper visibility at a distance.
  • Must be placed a minimum of 200px above the bottom edge of the image/video.


  • Submit images or pre-designed signage in the original layered file (.psd, .eps, or .ai) for approval. 
  • Follow The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act contrast requirements using the colour-testing tool on Guidelines for the proper placement of text and images are also available.


  • Send video concepts to us for approval.
  • Requests for a custom video via the Project Initiation form.
  • Submit video footage at 1080p resolution (1920x1080px).

Note: Digital signage doesn't have an audio component. Closed captioning isn't a suitable replacement since it does not have the same impact it does on a computer.