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Only capitalize the first word of headlines and website titles.

Capitalize specific academic faculties, job titles, offices, programs, services and specializations.

For example: The Faculty of Education incorporates the use of technology into its teachings.

Note: An area of study is not capitalized (e.g. Rohan Amin is a communications student). When referring specifically to a program, it is capitalized (e.g. Rohan Amin is in the Communications and Digital Media Studies program at Ontario Tech University).

When referring to multiple faculties, do not capitalize the word faculties.

For example: Dr. Ying Zhu, Associate Professor, is cross-appointed to the faculties of Business and Information Technology, and Engineering and Applied Science.

The words faculty, department and office should not be capitalized when used in a general sense.

For example: The latest information can be found in the Registrar’s office.

Note: The word class—as in class of 2019—is also not capitalized.

Capitalize the names of publications, lectures, presentations, etc.

The word university is typically capitalized only when used in the full name of Ontario Tech University.

For example: The university’s policies are outlined in the Governance section of the website.

Generally the first word following a colon is not capitalized when part of a sentence.

For example: Ontario Tech University has several sporting teams: golf, badminton, women’s and men’s hockey, women’s and men’s soccer, rowing, etc

Capitalize the names of specific university events such as Orientation and Convocation, and specific institutional documents such as the Campus Master Plan.