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CMS introduction

A Content Management System (CMS) is an online application that allows individuals to manage the content on their websites, without the need to have prior knowledge of coding or design principles. The CMS allows individuals to create, edit, and delete content from their websites and preview any changes before publishing to the live website.

CMS overview

Content is created using a popular type of content editor:
WYSIWYG editor (or content editor) - pronounced WIZ-ee-wig; an acronym for 'what you see is what you get'. A type of content editor similar to a word processor that allows you to format and preview page content.

Websites in the university's CMS are designed according to a standard template which cannot be altered by CMS users. This includes elements like the overall website layout, the look and feel, and style elements such as font and colour choice.

All of the content within the user-editable section of the webpage (the main content area) can be altered by individuals trained in the CMS. This includes elements like text and imagery. 

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