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  Headings should be used to indicate content structure and hierarchy. Text should not simply be bolded if it is a logical heading.

Instead, use the  Text Format option in the WYSIWYG editor to change the style and format of the text to a heading.

There are six levels of headings, from H1 to H6, where H1 indicates the highest level of importance. There can only be a single H1 heading on any page and this is automatically generated with the page title. 

Screenshot: example of H1 page title

When creating additional headings on a page, be sure to start at a H2-level heading.

  You can have multiple heading levels on a page and they can be nested, but you must ensure that they appear in hierarchal order the first time that the level appears.

For example:


H2-level heading
Text content
H3-level heading
Text content
H2-level heading
Text content
H4-level heading
Text content


H3-level heading
Text content
H2-level heading
Text content
H3-level heading

Review the Editorial Style Guide for additional style and formatting guidelines.

How to

Create a heading

  1. Type your text and highlight it.
  2. From the Formats dropdown, select Headings, then the appropriate heading level (be sure to start at a H2-level heading). Create a heading screenshot
  3. The heading text will now be styled differently, but more importantly, it is a semantic heading that assistive devices such as screen readers can parse as a heading.
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