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Creating content

Depending on the type of asset you want to create (e.g. page, folder, document or image), you will add your content to a specific site in the CMS.

  • Other than files (documents and images), all page content is added on the particular website where you want your content to appear.
  • Files (documents and images) are uploaded to the Shared Assets website in the CMS. All users in the CMS have access to this global website. Then you can link to these files on your website.

Types of assets you can create

Note that the options available to you may vary depending on the site you are currently editing.

Website content options

Add content options - site
  • External link - creates a link to an external website (a link outside of the university's CMS) and places it in your website's navigation menu.
  • Page - creates a new page on your website.
  • Menu subsection - creates a new folder with an index page inside. This folder becomes a new subsection in the navigation menu.
  • Photo gallery index block - a special type of CMS asset for creating photo galleries.

Shared Assets options (files)

Add content options - shared assets

  • File - allows you to upload a document or image to the Shared Assets website.
  • Folder - allows you to organize your files in the Shared Assets website by creating subfolders in your department/faculty folder.
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