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Inline or embedded images are images that appear in the content area of the page.

The recommended aspect ratio for inline images is 3:2 with minimum dimensions of 300px W x 200px H

When uploading images to the CMS, it is best to upload the image at 1000 px W x 667 px H, and resize the image to 300px x 200px when embedding it on a page. In other words, the original image will remain at 1000px x 667px, but will be displayed as 300px x 200px. This is useful when the same image will be used in multiple contexts.

Brandfolder is our online Digital Asset Management tool. It contains our online photo database and official brand assets.

Accordions is a page component consisting of collapsible sections of content. Clicking on an accordion heading will show/hide (toggle) the content associated with the heading.

Anchor link is a link within a page that jumps to a specific point or section on that page.

Auto-indexed links is a page component that consists of a list of hyperlinks to each of the pages within the current folder (the CMS will automatically scan all pages in the current folder and create links for them).

Auto-indexed links - button layout is a page component that consists of a list of hyperlinks to each of the pages within the current folder (the CMS will automatically scan all pages in the current folder and create links for them), displayed as buttons on the page.

Auto-indexed links - list layout is a page component that consists of a list of hyperlinks to each of the pages within the current folder (the CMS will automatically scan all pages in the current folder and create links for them), displayed as a list of links on the page.

Auto-indexed links - thumbnails layout is a page component that consists of a list of hyperlinks to each of the pages within the current folder (the CMS will automatically scan all pages in the current folder and create links for them), displayed as a list of headings with images and a description. Each page in the current folder should have a thumbnail image. 

Brick is a type of CMS asset that allows you to pre-define any piece of content for use in multiple pages on any website, without having to re-create the content each time. Each brick has a unique identifying name. When this identifier is referenced on other pages, the full brick content is embedded on the page.

CTA buttons (formerly known as button-icon landing page) is a page component that consists of a number of links to pages, displayed in a button and icon format. Links, descriptions, and icons can be customized.

Card grid is a page component that consists of a number of links to pages, displayed as cards or boxes. Card elements can be customized, including links, descriptions, icons, images, and background colours.

Card grid is a page component that consists of a number of links to pages, displayed in a card format. Links, descriptions, and icons can be customized.

Description - (metadata field) a short summary or description of the content on the page (usually one sentence long). In search engine results, this is the page description that appears below the search result/page name.

Display Name - (metadata field) the name of a page or asset that appears in the navigation menu. This is typically the same as the Title of the page, unless the Title is too long, in which case a shortened version is used for the Display Name. The Display Name is usually used to generate the File Name in the CMS.

Show a dropdown as a link - an option to display a standard dropdown menu as a link if the dropdown menu needs to be excluded from view. The menu link will automatically go to the folder landing page instead of showing the dropdown menu.

Expanded page layout is a page layout option in the Global page template. Some components on the page can span the entire width of the screen and there is no sidebar navigation menu. This page layout is ideal for home pages and landing pages.

External link is a link to a page or document that is either outside of the CMS, or in the CMS but not managed or tracked by the CMS system. The full URL of the linked page or document is used to create the external link. If the linked asset is in the CMS, but is linked to externally, the link will not be updated if the linked asset is moved or renamed.

Multi-row (grid) content is a page component in which content is displayed in a grid layout (multiple columns and rows). The number of columns per row can vary.

Hide from search engines - (metadata field) if a page is excluded from navigation menus, choose whether the page should also be excluded from search engine results. If the URL of the page is known, the unlisted page can still be accessed, but a search query in a search engine will not list the page.

Import a page is a page component that allows you to duplicate page content in the CMS, but you only need to make edits to the original page (the imported page). The CMS automatically 'imports' and embeds the content from the original page into the current page.

Index block - a type of CMS asset that automatically gathers or indexes all of the files in a specified folder or of a specified type and returns the files

Inline or embedded images are images that appear in the content area of the page.

Internal link is a link to a page or document that is in the CMS. Internal links are managed or tracked by the CMS system, which means that the link will automatically be updated if the linked asset is moved or renamed.

Keywords - (metadata field) a comma-separated list of keywords that are on the page that is used by search engines. Search engines will look for and index the keywords on every page to provide users with relevant search results.

Mega menu - a large dropdown section in the main navigation that displays subfolders as columns of links. The subfolders in the top-level section will make up the columns of links.

Metadata - data that describes or provides information about other data (in this case, the web page).

Page components (formerly known as content types) are the various sections of content on a page, which can be displayed in different formats, such as accordions or tabs.

Password protect this page - (metadata field) choose whether to password-protect a page. Banner ID credentials are used to password-protect a page. You can restrict access based on Active Directory user groups. Example: you can grant access faculty and staff only.

Reference link is a link in the navigation menu to a page in the CMS that exists in another location. A page can thus appear to exist in multiple locations (menu sections), but when the link is selected, it directs back to the original page. Therefore, you only have to manage the content on a single page.

Shared Assets website - a central website in the CMS where all assets (images, documents and other files) are uploaded and saved.

Show in navigation menus - (metadata field) choose whether to have a page or folder appear in the navigation menus. You can publish a page to the live website, but exclude it/unlist it from the navigation menu. If the URL of the page is known, the unlisted page can still be accessed.

Show sidebar navigation is a metadata field that that shows or hides the sidebar navigation menu on the current page. If set to No, the text content will span will span the full width of the page content area.

Call-to-action (CTA) button - a stylized button link that highlights an important link on the page. CTA buttons can be placed on the home page, in the sidebar navigation menu, and in the page content area. An icon can be displayed along with the text in the CTA.

Standard columns/content is a page component, which can consist of paragraphs, lists, tables, inline or embedded images, and videos. You can create multiple columns of content (the default is one column). 

Standard menu - the default layout option for the main navigation. Top-level folders are displayed as a dropdown menu in the main navigation, with subfolders denoted by a dropdown arrow (greater than symbol).

Standard page layout is a page layout option in the Global page template. The main content area on the page has a maximum width (on large screens, there will be white space on the left and right sides of the main content) and a sidebar navigation menu can be included.

File Name - the name of the asset (folder/page/file) in the CMS Site Content menu. (Formerly known as the System Name). The file name is what appears in the live URL so it should not contain any spaces or special characters. The file name is usually generated from the Display Name.

Tabs is a page component consisting of clickable headings (tabs) that control the visibility of sections of content. Clicking on a tab heading will show the content associated with that heading.

Title - (metadata field) the full name of a page that appears on the web page (the title at the top of the page content).

WYSIWYG editor (or content editor) - pronounced WIZ-ee-wig; an acronym for 'what you see is what you get'. A type of content editor similar to a word processor that allows you to format and preview page content.

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