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Search engine options and optimization

  • Keywords

    Keywords - (metadata field) a comma-separated list of keywords that are on the page that is used by search engines. Search engines will look for and index the keywords on every page to provide users with relevant search results.

    Screenshot: keywords metadata field

      Ensure that any words in this list are pulled from the content of the page. Do not enter extra words to attempt to boost your search rankings—this will not work.

  • Description

    Description - (metadata field) a short summary or description of the content on the page (usually one sentence long). In search engine results, this is the page description that appears below the search result/page name.

    Screenshot: description metadata field

  • Hide a page from search engines

    Hide from search engines - (metadata field) if a page is excluded from navigation menus, choose whether the page should also be excluded from search engine results. If the URL of the page is known, the unlisted page can still be accessed, but a search query in a search engine will not list the page.

    metadata for hiding a page or folder from search engines

      If a page was previously listed in search engine results (the page was published without this option set), it may take a few days for search engines to update their data and remove the page from search results.

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