Spell out zero through nine. Use numerals for numbers greater than nine.
Example: Ontario Tech University will welcome seven new faculty members this September. The university’s professors collectively speak more than 20 languages.
Use numerals for number ranges.
Example: There are 2 to 11 people attending the event.
Spell out any number that begins a sentence.
Example: Eighty invention disclosures have been submitted since 2003.
Use commas with all numbers 1,000 and above.
Example: The facility spans 15,000 square feet.
Use numerals when referencing grades, days, room numbers and years. Capitalize the word unless it is pluralized.
Example: Day 1, Grade 7, Room 1350.
Example: Students in grades 9 to 12 are invited to participate.
Exception: Use numerals for sports scores and voting results.
Example: The Ridgebacks won the game 3–1.
Example: The new policy was passed by a 19–6 margin.
Spell out first through ninth. Use numerals with th, st, nd, or rd for 10 and above.
Example: She finished third in the competition.
Example: He placed 12th in the rankings.
Do not use ordinals with dates.
Example: The event is on April 5, not April 5th.
Ordinals are always lowercase.
Example: The team finished 5th in the standings.